Anatomy in Science!- 11/8/2020

This week in science we started to go more in-depth into anatomy. We also had a test to prove that we’ve learned. I personally think that I did a good job, even though I didn’t finish. But, it would be okay because we are able to finish it on Monday. But, I’m gone from school for two weeks. I’m not going to get into all the details though. I learned a lot about the human body and the chicken’s wing in this unit.

Did you know that 60% of the adult human body is made of water? I could also tell you where the main bones and muscles are in the body. If you would like I could list the four kinds of tissues. (Connective, nervous, epithelial, and muscular.) Or, maybe perhaps the main kinds of joints in the body! (Ball and socket joints, sliding/ gliding joints, hinge joints, and synovial joints.) I could tell you more, but my point is that I’ve learned a lot over these couple of weeks. Thank you Shane for another good unit!

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