Roller Coasters! 4/11/2021

These last couple of weeks we have been working on making roller coasters! We were making them in groups of two to four. I was in a group with Eddie, Jack, and Micheal. This project was pretty fast to finish, but then we re- did part of it, and it kept breaking. There was also a Google Slide presentation that we had to make, and that was pretty time- consuming. We got done with our roller coaster before all of the other groups. I think that the main reason for that was that we had four people in our group and we worked really  well together. Some of the other groups only had two or three people in them.

Then, we presented our roller coasters to the Second Graders. They were a good audience, for the most part. It was pretty fun to present and teach to younger kids. They are so energetic, and they’re like sponges, they just suck up all of the information. We taught them the different types of energy, and where they were on our roller coaster. They seemed to enjoy it. I did too!


  1. How old is the average second grader?
  2. Did they actually retain any of the information?
  3. Did they actually like our roller coaster or were they just being nice?

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