Research on Kratom. 1/10/2021

This week we started a project to research drugs. I decided to research Kratom. Here’s some of the information I discovered: Kratom is used for energy-boosting, mood-boosting, pain relief, and opiate withdrawal. Kratom is a plant native to Thailand and parts of Southeast Asia. Kratom is a tropical plant that is part of the coffee family. Until recently, Kratom has been mostly exclusive to Asia, but since then it has spread across the U.S. and Europe. Kratom is illegal in many countries and although it is still legal in America, it was placed on the “Drugs and Chemical Concern” list by the U.S. Drug Association.

Kratom leaves can be chewed, dried up, and used in brews, or as pills. Kratom extract can be used for making a liquid, that is used for pain relief in your muscles, or as an appetite suppressor, cramp suppressor, and diarrhea suppressor. Kratom can also stop panic attacks. However, the effects may vary with the quantity taken. Kratom can be highly addictive if used too often. After you take Kratom, it usually takes about 10 minutes for the effects to start, and 90 minutes for them to wear off. I hope you learned at least a couple things!

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