Timeline! 4/12/20

Yesterday, the eighth, my mom and I made a timeline. We went outside and I immediately got attacked by bugs. There were water bugs, mosquitos, no see ’ems and I’m just getting started. But overall it was a good time, it was very sunny and warm! I could even wear shorts! On the timeline, we had to put many major events in the history of the earth. These events were all about geology. These events were like “the earth forms” or “modern plants”.

The Eras of the Geologic Time Scale

The events consisted of “earth forms, 4.6 billion years. 46 meters” All of them will have a time and a place on the timeline.  Next comes “Oldest rocks found today are formed, 3.9 billion, 39 meters.” These go on, to become a total of twenty events on the timeline. All of them extremely important events in our earth’s geologic time. But the most interesting thing about this was that around 100 million years ago, more things started happening in the geologic time of our earth. Things started speeding up in a sense. All in all, this timeline project was pretty fun! I enjoyed it.

  1. Are there any major events missing from Shane’s timeline?
  2. How many minor events are in-between the major ones?
  3. To get a true perspective of time, what would we, humans ave to do?

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